Hugh Wang

Photographer and Designer

A Little

About Me

Hugh Wang is a talented graphic design student. Hugh discovered his passion for design at a young age and has since honed his skills in a variety of mediums. He is currently pursuing a degree in graphic design at Dallas Baptist University in Texas. Hugh has a keen eye for detail and a strong sense of visual aesthetics. He enjoys experimenting with typography, color, and layout, and is constantly pushing the boundaries of his creativity. Outside of his studies, Hugh enjoys exploring the vibrant arts and culture scene in Dallas, attending exhibitions and workshops. He is also an avid traveler, and draws inspiration from the diverse cultures and experiences he encounters on his journeys.

Skills & Expertise

Graphic Design

⎼ Logo Design

⎼ Invitation Design

⎼ Poster Design

⎼ Flyer Design


⎼ Architectural photography

⎼ Wildlife photography

⎼ Architectural photography

⎼ Fine art photography

⎼ Landscape photography

A Person Using the Computer


to create

I was

Unrecognizable artist drawing creative sketch


Photo Collage

App Design

-Chase Mobile App

Brochure Design

-Sky Ranch

Brand Design

-2032 Olympic Campaign

Typeface Design

-Speciman Fantasy Type

Zine Design






Instagram Outline Logo

